Let's cut to the chase. OnlyConnect is a one-man band, though I'm networked with many other specialists.So, I’ll stop talking about myself in the third person - the behaviour of Z list celebrities.
I do a number of things: test; recruit; write; market and broadcast; plan, train and mentor. I work with and to people – staff, customers, partners and suppliers.
The words 'only connect' appear at the beginning of E M Forster's novel Howards End. The quotation sums up my belief that both good and bad organisational performance depend, to a large extent, on how groups and individuals communicate with each other.
If you chose to work with me you access:
- a network of contacts, partners, friends and associates with a huge spectrum of skills. If I can’t do it, I usually know someone who can;
- 30 years experience in management ( and an equally long period of work in testing, psychometrics and the management of work psychology );
- you talk to the person responsible for doing what we agree;
- a personal, creative and informal approach to business solutions based on experience and a range of interests which I don't separate from work;
- a specific skill in written communication - from writing a brochure, paper or presentation to ghost writing a book.
And if you want to find out more about OnlyConnect Publishing's two new books, click here.